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Computer Graphics: Modeling and Animation Project

A rendering of a computer graphics project I made in class (CG125). This was modeled and animated using the Maya software. Check out the rendered video here:

Projects: Image

Custom Video Game Controller: Busy Bee Controller

Collaborated with a video game team to create a custom wired and wireless game controller. Designed PCB with Eagle ECAD, and populated PCB in-house. Programmed STM32 microcontroller in C++ using STM32CubeIDE. Uses PWM, I2C, UART, ADC protocols to communicate between the peripherals such as a gyroscope, character display, rotary encoders, USB-C.

Projects: Image
Sound Waves

High-Altitude Balloon Project: Speed of Sound

Measures the speed of sound at various altitudes using an ultrasonic sensor, transmitting data to a ground station via RF. Designed PCB with Eagle ECAD, populated PCB in-house. Programmed PIC microchip in Embedded C using MPLabX. (currently incomplete due to COVID-19)

Projects: Image

Autonomous Miniature Treaded Vehicle

Miniature treaded vehicle navigates obstacle course autonomously, using IR sensors. Programmed in ARM Assembly to interface with GPIO, ADC, and PWM to control the motors and read the IR sensors.

Projects: Image
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